About me

I’m currently a researcher/software engineer at Computing Infrastructure Lab of Bytedance Inc. My current work focuses on building next-generation AI serving infrastructures. Previously I was a Postdoc Researcher of Computer Science at UT Austin, working with Prof. Aditya Akella at UT Networked Systems group (UTNS). I was one of the recipients of CIFellow 2021, supported by both National Science Foundation (NSF) and Computing Research Association (CRA). During my PhD I worked on making real time data processing systems more elastic, under the supervision of Prof. Indranil Gupta at Distributed Protocols Research Group (DPRG). My current research mainly revolves around all aspects of resource-efficient cloud computing frameworks, including serverless computing and alternative system architectures. See my CV and list of publications here. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you’re interested in my experience or would like to chat about my recent research! I’m always open to opportunities for collboration and/or full-time research positions.


Publications and Preprints

From cv

Industrial Experiences


Service and leadership

Honors, Memberships, Awards

Cloud-Free Zone